
What we heard

3 August 2023

Social Media Policy – Engagement Outcomes Report

Between 3 and 30 July 2023 we sought your feedback on the Social Media Policy for Councillors. This was a public exhibition endorsed by Council in May 2023.

Key points on the engagement methods and results:

  • The Your Say Inner West project page was viewed 114 times
  • Two community members completed the online feedback form
  • Bothe respondents did not know or were unsure whether to support the policy
  • The policy document was downloaded 32 times

Submitted comments

1. It seems a bit odd and draconian to expect councillors to all agree and have to agree with presumably the party line.

2. What is the policy? there is no link anywhere. Seems like you don't actually want feedback but just doing this for compliance.

Next steps

A report including community feedback will be prepared and submitted to Council. All who provided feedback will be notified when the report will be considered by Council.