
Decided by Council

31 May 2023

At its meeting on Tuesday 9 May 2023, Council considered a report including feedback from the community and decided the following.

1. That Council endorse the Inner West Recreation Strategy and 10 Year Action Plan.

2. That Council place the Inner West Recreation Strategy and 10 Year Action Plan on public exhibition for a period of 42 days after amending the documents to include reference to:

a) Council's commitment to building a flagship inclusive playground in every ward;

b) Council's commitment to hosting Trans and Gender Diverse Swim Nights, Abilities Swimming events and the delivery of a refugee swimming program;

c) Callan Park Swim Site;

d) With regard to the feasibility study on the provision of an indoor recreation facility in both the north and south of the LGA, include an assessment of an upgrade of Robyn Webster Sports Centre at Tempe Reserve to a state-of-the-art, multi-sports indoor sports centre for this purpose;

e) Work to extend the Great Harbour Walk through the Inner West, taking in the Glebe Island Bridge and Bays Precinct;

f) As part of its Active Inner West Council program, advocate to the NSW Department of Education the roll out of the Burn 2 Learn Program for HSC Students for Inner West High Schools and make outdoor recreation facilities managed by Council free for use for this program;

g) Introduce wayfinding around 15 local schools to help support walking buses and safe walking to and from schools, and include this in Council’s Public Domain, Wayfinding and Gateway Signage Program;

h) Actions to:

i. Look for an all-weather sporting surface in the middle of the LGA; and

ii) Work with the state government to deliver the full Rozelle Parklands Masterplan that restores the elements promised to the community in the Working Group report of June 2021.

i) Removing the reference to a 2030 target date for all weather playing surface at Leichhardt Oval No 2

and invite submissions from the community. As part of the exhibition period, Council officers present the strategy and action plan to the May 2023 Inner West Council Sports Forum.

3. That a further report be brought back to Council following the completion of the community engagement process.

4. That Council hold either a physical or online forum to elaborate on the non-organised sport parts of the strategy.

The updated Recreation Strategy will be on placed on Public Exhibition shortly and all those who provided feedback in 2020 will be notified when the Strategy opens for community comment.