
Council decision

15 June 2020

At the Council meeting on Tuesday 9 June, the elected representatives decided that :

  1. The Public Domain Parking Policy be adopted in the former Ashfield and Marrickville Council areas and is effective from 1 July 2020
  2. The Leichhardt Council Resident Parking Scheme 2007 Policy be retained
  3. Council rescind existing parking policies including: Ashfield Council - Resident Parking Permit Scheme, 2014; Leichhardt Council - Angle Parking Policy, 2010; Marrickville Council - Angle Parking in Residential Streets Policy, 1999; Marrickville Council - various policies & protocols on Resident Parking Scheme; and Ashfield Council – Supporting Car Share Parking Policy 2015; Leichhardt Council – Car Share Policy 2008; Marrickville Council – Car Share Policy 2014
  4. The proposed fees and charges for the former Ashfield and Marrickville Council area be supported in principle and be considered through the annual budget review process for 2021/2022
  5. Council amend 7.12.2 last paragraph with the addition of a final sentence to read: 'Residents may apply to maintain hard copy parking permits.'
  6. The pensioner permits in the former Leichhardt Council area be retained in their current form and unchanged.

Read the full meeting minutes online.