What is this agreement for?
Inner West Council as Crown land manager of Pratten Park intends to enter into a lease agreement with Western Suburbs Lawn Tennis Association Limited, for the Tennis Courts, Clubhouse, Storage Shed and Ground Floor Storeroom Thirning Villa, located at Pratten Park, Ashfield.
What does the licence include?
- The lease is for 5 years with a 5 year option
- The lessee is Western Suburbs Lawn Tennis Association Limited
- The Premises are to be used as a Tennis Club - Hiring the Tennis Courts to members of the public; coaching of tennis, playing of tennis matches; the conduct, promotion or holding tennis tournaments and tennis play
- The lease is for the Premises marked on the attached plan
Have your say
Complete the online submission below to let us know what you think.
Other ways to provide feedback
- By mail, addressed to Inner West Council, PO Box 14, Petersham NSW 2040, attention to David McElroy and marked “Proposed Lease Western Suburbs Lawn Tennis Association, Pratten Park”
- Call a FREE Interpreter or the National Relay Service, Monday to Friday between 9am-4pm and provide our phone number 02 9392 5347.
- Free Interpreter call TIS National on 131 450
- Voice relay call 1300 555 727
- TTY call 133 677
- SMS relay call 0423 677 767
Last day to provide feedback is Tuesday, 31 January 2023.
What happens next?
Council will consider all feedback and decide whether to proceed with the lease agreement.