
Haberfield is a heritage conservation area of high significance located in the heart of the Inner West.

The controls that guide development in Haberfield need to be updated to respond to changing technology and cater for new dwellings to be built on the Defence Land.

At its meeting on 21 November 2023 Council resolved to place the proposed amendments to the Haberfield Development Control Plan (DCP) on public exhibition for community feedback.

More information

  • Establish controls for new dwellings built within the Haberfield Neighbourhood
  • Introduce site specific controls for the Defence Land at 140a Hawthorne Parade, Haberfield
  • Modifications to the current Haberfield DCP to assist with interpretation and remove inconsistency





New control

To make it clear that subdivision of existing allotments is not permitted as it would be detrimental to the heritage significance of the Garden Suburb by changing its historic pattern.


Updated control

To clarify when basement levels are permitted


New control

To make it clear that face brick and commons brick walls shall not be rendered with cement or plaster.


New control

The use of box section, aluminum doors and windows using pre-finished colours is permitted in extensions and new dwellings, but not in original parts of rooms of existing houses.


Amended control

Garage doors are to be simple timber or metal cladding in a recessive dark colour.


Delete control

Carports forward of the building line are not permitted elsewhere Inner West


Added – New Dwellings

There are currently no controls in Ashfield DCP that relate to the form of new dwellings for Haberfield.


Added – controls for 140a Hawthorne Parade, Haberfield

A consistent front setback of 4m is proposed – while this is less than the typical front setback within Haberfield it is considered sufficient to allow the other development standards to be met – a greater setback would make compliance with these difficult to achieve.

Driveways for lots 16 and 17 are required to be on the southern side of the dwellings to allow for adequate manoeuvering.

Development on the Defence Land will be assessed against:

Inner West Local Environmental Plan 2022

All relevant controls including:

Clause 5.21 – Flood planning

This clause minimises the impact of flooding to life and property

Clause 6.20 - Development on land in Haberfield Conservation Area

This clause maintains the single storey appearance of dwellings and requires at least 50% of the site to be landscaped area

Comprehensive DCP 2016

All relevant controls including:

A3 – Flood Hazard

This section provides more detail on how to implement LEP Clause 5.21. It specifies minimum floor levels and the use of flood compatible construction materials to minimise risk and enable safe occupation of flood prone land

A14 – Contaminated Land

This section ensures development minimises risk from contamination by ensuring land is suitable for its proposed use

A15 – Stormwater Management

This section protects the urban environment from the effects of uncontrolled surface stormwater flows and specifies the measures needed to achieve this

F1 – Dwelling houses

This section includes controls that address visual privacy, solar access, and stormwater disposal

The proposed DCP amendment contains objectives and controls for:

  • Haberfield Neighbourhood

This section details controls for site coverage to ensure that character of Haberfield is maintained

  • Haberfield Heritage Conservation Area

This section includes controls on built form and architectural details to ensure that development is sympathetic to the heritage significance of Haberfield

It includes controls for new dwellings to ensure that they are compatible with surrounding Queen Anne style Federation houses in streetscape appearance

  • 140A Hawthorne Parade

This section contains specific controls that are only relevant to this land e.g. it establishes a front building setback for the new lots

Other ways to provide feedback

  • Mail - write to us:

Haberfield DCP c/o Julia Dungca
Inner West Council
PO Box 14
Petersham NSW 2029

  • Call a FREE Interpreter or the National Relay Service, Monday to Friday between 9am-4pm and provide our phone number 02 9392 5705 or 9392 5876.
    • Free Interpreter call TIS National on 131 450
    • Voice relay call 1300 555 727
    • TTY call 133 677
    • SMS relay call 0423 677 767

Feedback closes Sunday 11 February 2024

What happens next?

Council will consider all feedback at its meeting in early 2024 and will decide whether to adopt the proposed ammendments.