Project updates

Project details

This planning proposal was subject to a rezoning review by the Sydney Eastern City Planning Panel which recommended it should proceed for consideration through the Gateway process.

The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) subsequently issued a Gateway determination for the planning proposal. Council is the Planning Proposal Authority (PPA) administering the public exhibition of the proposal but the Minister for Planning has not delegated the authority to Council to make the final plan.

Key features of the planning proposal

Proposed key changes to the current planning controls for this land in the Marrickville Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2011 will:

  • rezone the land from IN2 Light Industrial to B5 Business development, R4 High Density Residential RE1 Public Recreation and RE2 Private Recreation
  • increase the maximum height of building ranging from: 9.5m to 32m
  • increase maximum floor space ratio for the land ranging from: 0.6:1 to 3.3:1
  • include additional local provisions relating to vehicular access, public infrastructure contributions and a sunset clause to reverse the proposed amendment if a Development Application is not submitted within 3 years.

Summary of the proposed changes by individual site

Change in zoning
Change to height in metres
Change to FSR
Existing zoning is IN2 Light Industrial
Existing height is Nil
Existing FSR is 0.95:1
466 New Canterbury Road, Dulwich Hill
B5 Business Development
468 New Canterbury Road, Dulwich Hill
B5 Business Development
470 New Canterbury Road, Dulwich Hill
B5 Business Development
472 New Canterbury Road, Dulwich Hill
B5 Business Development
474 New Canterbury Road, Dulwich Hill
B5 Business Development/ R4 High Density Residential
17m and 20m
476 New Canterbury Road, Dulwich Hill
B5 Business Development
2.2:1 and 3.3:1
478 New Canterbury Road, Dulwich Hill
B5 Business Development
17m and 29m
480 New Canterbury Road, Dulwich Hill
B5 Business Development/ RE1 Public Recreation
17m and 29m
26 Hercules Street, Dulwich Hill
B5 Business Development/ RE2 Private Recreation
9.5m and 17m
0.6:1 and 3.3:1
28 Hercules Street, Dulwich Hill
B5 Business Development/ RE2 Private Recreation
9.5m and 17m
0.6:1 and 3:1
34 Hercules Street, Dulwich Hill
R4 High Density Residential
2.2:1 and 3.3:1
36 Hercules Street, Dulwich Hill
R4 High Density Residential
38 Hercules Street, Dulwich Hill
R4 High Density Residential/ RE1 Public Recreation

Have your say

  • By completing the Planning Proposal submission
  • By mail: Inner West Council, PO Box 14, Petersham 2049. Please mark your submission Ref: 201600376/17

Submissions close 12 December 2019.

What happens next?

After the exhibition closes, your feedback will be reported to Council which will decide whether it will recommend that the Minister for Planning should make the proposed LEP amendment. Anyone who makes a submission will be notified of the Council meeting.