Project updates

Project details

Council is considering a change to the current planning controls for this land.

Key feature of the planning proposal on public exhibition

  • to rezone from Community Land to Operational Land. The land is currently owned by the former Bankstown City Council and used as a KFC store.

by amending the Marrickville Local Environmental Plan 2011 (MLEP 2011)

Have your say

  • online using the form below
  • by post, addressed to The Interim General Manager, Inner West Council, 2-14 Fisher Street, Petersham. Please mark your submission 15/4738

Submissions close on Friday 10 March 2017 at 5.00pm.

What happens next

After submissions close Council officers will write a report to Council on the planning proposal that includes an assessment of all submissions and a set of recommendations. A copy of the report will be posted on this site. Council is expected to consider the report mid 2017. Everyone who has made a submission will be informed of the date of the meeting. Anyone can apply to address Council at this meeting. Results of the Council meeting will be published on this project page. If Council resolves to proceed with the planning proposal (with or without amendments), it will forward it to the DP&E for drafting of an LEP amendment and final consideration by the Minister for Planning or delegate. If the Minister approves the amendment, it will come into law when published on the NSW Legislation website.