
Decided by Council

12 February 2021

At its meeting on Tuesday 9 February 2021 Council considered the community feedback on this proposal and decided the following:

1. Note the engagement outcomes from the public exhibition of the Planning Proposal and the associated site-specific Leichhardt Development Control Plan 2013 for 1-5 Chester Street, Annandale as detailed in Attachment 1;

2. In response to submissions, endorse the proposed minor additions to the exhibited site-specific Leichhardt Development Control Plan 2013 as outlined on page 2 of this report;

3. Endorse the amendments to the Leichhardt Local Environmental Plan 2013 and the associated site-specific Leichhardt Development Control Plan 2013 for 1-5 Chester Street, Annandale:

a) As detailed in Attachment 2;

b) To ensure bicycle and motorcycle parking is prioritised, the DCP be amended to increase the provision of bicycle parking to a rate of 1 bicycle space per 3 student housing rooms, 1 visitor bicycle space per 10 student housing rooms and 1 motorcycle space per 5 student housing rooms; and

c) For G11.13 Parking Access Objective O2 to read “To minimize car parking to encourage active transport and car sharing”

4. Note that Council does not have the delegation to make the LEP amendment and submit the Planning Proposal to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment Minister to make the amendment under Section 3.36 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979; and

5. Adopt the site-specific amendment to the Leichhardt Development Control Plan 2013 to come into effect on the same date as the Leichhardt Local Environmental Plan amendment is published on the NSW legislation website.

For more information read item one in Council report and view the meeting minutes.

For more information on this project visit the Planning tracker on Council's website.