
Engagement Outcomes Report - Mackey Park draft Plan of Management

27 November 2023

Between 29 August and 10 October 2023, we sought your feedback on the draft Plan of Management and Master Plan for Mackey Park.

Key points on the consultation include:

  • the Your Say Inner West project paged was visited 1,695 times
  • the draft documents were downloade286 times
  • the public exhibition was promoted through social media, posters in the park, and on our website
  • 18 contributions were received online

61% of the 18 contributions to the online survey supported the draft documents

What happens next?

At its meeting on Tuesday 5 December 2023, Council will consider a report including community feedback decide whether to adopt the Mackey Park Plan of Managemennt.

If you wish to speak at the Council meeting, you will need to register by 2pm on Tuesday 5 December.