In 2018 the NSW Government amended the Crown Lands Act. As a result we need to update and adopt Plans of Management (POM) for all Crown Lands public open space. In November 2018, Council adopted Open Space Areas POM priorities list.

We are preparing a Plan of Management (POM) and Master Plan for Blackmore Oval. The POM is a guiding document which directs the future planning, management and use of the park. The POM is accompanied by the Master Plan which outlines the vision and actions required for improvement over the next 10 years.

A Plan of Management is a useful tool to provide strategic planning and governance for the management and use of land. The plans set out objectives and performance targets for community land and promote active land management.

Councils are required to develop plans of management under the Crown Land Management Act 2016 (the CLM Act) and under Local Government Act 1993 (LG Act)

The current Plan of Management for Blackmore Oval was adopted in 2011.

Council would welcome community feedback on key park oval elements and community access and use. You can comment on:

  • Heritage elements within the oval
  • Sport and structured and unstructured recreation needs
  • Built form-Amenity and facility use/improvements
  • Ecology and biodiversity
  • Park safety
  • Signage and interpretation including community art
  • Safety and access including pathways and linkages
  • Current and future community use of the oval shared spaces

Have your say

Below by posting your thoughts on the ideas wall or by completing the survey.

Share your visions

Complete the online survey

What happens next?

  • Engagement Outcomes Report

    We will review the feedback provided by the community and prepare an Engagement Outcomes Report

  • Draft POM

    Council will write the draft Plan of Management based on the visions provided by the community

  • Public Exhibition

    The draft POM will be put on public exhibition for you to review