
Resolutions about the PAMP Adopted by Council

26 November 2021

At its meeting on Tuesday 23 November 2021 Council adopted the following actions regarding accessible footpaths across the Inner West.

  1. Note the completion of the draft Pedestrian Access Mobility Plan which has identified $8M worth of capital works that the new Council consider fast tracking through the development of the 22/23 budget;
  2. Note that an audit is underway of all footpaths and that funding will be allocated to renew all Condition 4 and 5 (poor) footpaths in 2022/23;
  3. Commit to working towards making all Inner West footpaths well-maintained, level and accessible so that everyone can safely travel around their local communities;
  4. Review the draft Urban Public Domain Guidelines, the Tree Master Plan, Local Approvals Policy and advise on changes needed to retain or improve existing footpath accessibility levels;
  5. Ensure findings from the above steps inform the Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022-2025 and Council’s new Community Strategic Plan; and
  6. Council considers fully funding and fully resourcing the Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022-2025.
  7. Report on the number of non-compliant crossings in terms of signage and gutter guards at pedestrian crossings and signage poles on footpaths

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