
Decided by Council

5 March 2021

At its follow up meeting on Monday 1 March 2021, Council passed the following motion:

THAT Council:

1. Writes to the Premier, Treasurer, the Minister for Local Government and the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) noting:

a) that we are being forced to harmonise rates and many in our community see this a unfair;

b) harmonisation will lead to a major increase in rates for some residents in our community;

c) if they insist on harmonisation then we must be able to phase the increases over 4 years and observe they not yet legislated to allow us to do this.

2. Include in the letters to IPART the Council’s community engagement report on rates harmonisation as well as our preference for the minimum rates tabled below, should the rates harmonisation have to proceed. Further, that Council request from the Local Government Minister a specific timeline for when the legislative changes to the rating system will be tabled in the Parliament;
Minimum Rates to apply from 1 July 2021 –

• Residential - $850

• Business – General - $820

• Business – Industrial - $820

• Business Shopping Malls - $820

• Business Airport - $820

3. Notes that the NSW Government is yet to adopt key recommendations of a 2016 IPART Local Government Rating System report which put forward a detailed review of the local government rating system and how to make the system fairer and more efficient;

4. Responds in writing to everyone who made a submission to Council about the proposed changes to the rating structure, advising them of this resolution;

5. Ensures all future communications to residents about rates harmonisation include reference to Council’s opposition to the NSW Government’s council rate harmonisation process; and

6. Notes that a failure to set new minimum rates will result in a default minimum rate of $565 which will not equitably distribute the rate burden across the former council areas or require the majority of new ratepayers to contribute adequately to the cost of services made available by Inner West Council.

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