
Decided by Council - Macarthur Parade Planning Proposal

11 December 2023

At its meeting on 5 December 2023 Council considered the post exhibition report and decided the following:

  • That Council update the planning proposal to remove interiors as part of the heritage listing for these items.
  • That Council as the local plan-making authority, endorse the amendment to Schedule 5 of the Inner West Local Environmental Plan 2022 listing 3, 7, 9, 11 & 13 Macarthur Parade Dulwich Hill as items of local significance.
  • That Council authorise the General Manager to finalise the Planning Proposal under section 3.36 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, including any necessary minor/technical modifications and forwards the planning proposal to the Department of Planning and Environment for publication.
  • That Council meet with the owners to advise the heritage listing incentives and what is possible with further development on these sites.