Project updates

Project details

Riding a bicycle is a fantastic way to get around, keep fit and save money. It also helps reduce car use and benefits the environment. Council is improving bicycle routes to make it safer, more convenient and enjoyable for people of all ages and abilities to ride a bike.

One of the routes Council is proposing to improve is along Addison Road (at Livingstone Road) to Juliette Street, Marrickville – Local Route 16.

The process so far

Community members were invited to provide feedback on the draft concept plan in January and February this year. The feedback received was considered and where possible, incorporated into the revised concept plan.

The main changes to the revised concept plan are:

Change to concept plan
Removing the proposed angled parking in Coronation Avenue
Benefits of providing additional parking have been weighed against potential impacts to amenity and safety given school student pick-ups and drop-offs occur here.
Removing the proposed shared environment intersection at Coronation Avenue
An investigation found that too many cars use this intersection for it become a shared environment
Replacing the proposed priority bicycle crossings in Park Road and Neville Street with upgraded pedestrian refuges
This is considered a safer option by the Roads and Maritime Services and the proposed refuges would be large enough for people on bikes
Move the proposed pedestrian crossing at the western side of Park Road to the eastern side
A crossing on the eastern side would be better positioned for people walking to the bus stop
Widen shared path sections by replacing ten street trees
Location of new trees would allow shared path sections to more safely accommodate bike riders and pedestrians

The revised concept plan estimates an increase of approximately 15 on-street parking spaces (the exact number will be determined during detail design phase) as follows:

  • Addison Road: a net increase of one space (six spaces removed; seven new spaces created)
  • William Street: an increase of three spaces by introducing some angled parking
  • Bright Street: an increase of three spaces by introducing some angled parking
  • England Avenue: an increase of eight spaces by introducing some angled parking

More information

What happens next?

The revised concept plan, and a report including a summary of comments received, will be considered at the Inner West Council Local Traffic Committee (LTC) meeting on Thursday 3 August 2017. The LTC meeting agenda will be available to view on Council’s website in the week before the meeting.

Members of the public may register to speak at this meeting. If you wish to do so, please contact Council’s Administration Assistant – Infrastructure Services on (02) 9335 2213 to advise of your attendance.

The recommendations of the LTC will then be considered by Council at its meeting on Tuesday 26 September 2017.

Consultation to this project has concluded

Thanks to all who provided feedback.