Project stages

  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Open for comments

    This stage is completed. Consultation is closed.

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Under Review

    Contributions to this engagement are closed for evaluation and review.

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Report to Local Traffic Committee

    Local Traffic Committee will consider the proposals.

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Council decision

    Council will make the final decision whether to implement the trial.

  • Timeline item 5 - active

    Traffic Management Plan submitted to TfNSW

    April 2024

  • Timeline item 6 - incomplete

    Trial period

    The trial will start following the approval of the Traffic Management Plan by TfNSW.

  • Timeline item 7 - incomplete

    Evaluation of the trial

    Following the trial the local community and residents will have an opportunity to provide feedback.

  • Timeline item 8 - incomplete

    Under review

    Council officers will prepare a report including community feedback which will be considered by Council.

  • Timeline item 9 - incomplete

    Council decision

    Your elected representatives will decide the future plans for London and Simmons Streets pedestrianisation.

Project updates

Engagement Outcomes Summary

From 23 October to 20 November 2023, the community was invited to provide feedback on the proposals for London and Simmons Streets in Enmore.

During the consultation period:

  • 773 visits to the project page
  • 131 people completed the online survey
  • 100 people attended the on-site pop up session
  • 26 emails received
  • 2 letters received

Over 67% (88) of the online respondents supported the proposal for London Street.

Over 66% (87) of the online respondents supported the proposal for Simmons Street.

Majority of participants (66%) lived in Enmore. 65% were aged between 30 and 63.

Read the Engagement Outcomes Report

Local Traffic Committee meeting

A report including community feedback and revised proposal will be considered by the Local Traffic Committee on Monday 18 March 2024.

Following community engagement some changes were made to the proposal. The report includes details of the revised proposal. Main changes are:

  • The trial period has been reduced to 6 months
  • Simmons Street will have a partial road closure, with one way vehicle movement permitted northbound, exiting onto Enmore Road

People who have made a submission and are still concerned about the proposal are welcome to attend the meeting and address the committee on their concerns.

Please register to attend

Contact Christi Li, on 93925788 no later than by 3.30pm on Friday 15 March 2024.

Meeting details:

  • When: Monday 18 March 2024, 11am
  • Where: Ashfield Service Centre, 260 Liverpool Road, Ashfield, Level 6

Ask at the Customer Service Desk to be directed to the meeting room. Please sit outside the foyer till asked to come in.

If you require any further information, please contact Ashraf Alattar on 9392 5929.

What happens next?

The Local Traffic Committee recommendations will be reported to Council in April. All those who provided feedback will be notified of the Council meeting. In the event that Council elects to approve the trial, it is expected the trial will commence around mid 2024. Council will aim to implement the recommendations of the Traffic Counts report on page nine. Following the conclusion of the six months trial Council will carry out an evaluation of the trial. Residents and local community will have an opportunity to provided feedback about the trial.

Project details

What is this project about?

Council’s Main Streets Program aims to improve the vibrancy and safety of public spaces and local streets by improving their character and making them more inviting.

Re-imagining the use of public spaces and regenerating them can enhance the lives of the community and assist economic growth by providing settings to attract visitation and local spend and creating places to go to, not move through.

As a part of the Main Streets Program, Council has developed concept plans for improvements to two local streets in Enmore:

  • London Street
  • Simmons Street

Council has reviewed local traffic movements and notes that the proposal will have some impacts on a small number of local vehicular movements, however the redistribution of traffic can be accommodated by the adjacent streets. Should Council make the decision to implement, Council will assess the impacts the temporary closure has on the adjacent local road network

Community consultation dates

Monday 23 October - Monday 20 November 2023

On-site pop up

Saturday 11 November 2023


London Street outside Sultan's Table

What is being proposed?

Council proposes the two streets are temporarily pedestrianised for a period of 18 months from early 2024.

To make the streets more welcoming and enhance its use and activity, council will work with adjacent shop owners and proposes the following improvements:

  • Create a space where people can meet and socialise or have a quiet time.
  • Install seating and large pots with trees. Provide paving decoration.
  • Create an opportunity for patrons of the adjacent or nearby businesses to enjoy an outdoor space off Enmore Road.

Where are London and Simmons Streets located?

The projects are both located adjacent to Enmore Road, Simmons Street approximately approximately 450 metres west of Newtown Station and London Street approximately 600 metres from the station.

  • London Street is a side street off Enmore Road, with the proposed works located between Enmore Road and Cambridge Lane. The site is also located between the Cow & The Moon Gelato shop and Sultan’s Kebab’s, both of which have outdoor dining tables on the footpath.
  • Simmons Street is a side street extending off Enmore Road, with the proposed works occurring between Enmore Road and Enmore Lane. The site is between The Duke Hotel to the west and an apartment building with a ground floor shop to the east.

See photo below. Click on the image to enlarge.

Let's imagine

Click on tabs below to view proposals for London Street and Simmons Street

Click on the small arrows in the right corner to enlarge the image. Click on a circle to find out what's being proposed.

Concept plan - London Street

Click on the small arrows in the right corner to enlarge the image. Click on a circle to find out what's being proposed.

Concept plan - Simmons Street

Have your say

This consultation is closed. Thanks to all who provided feedback.

Attend on-site pop up

When: Saturday 11 November, 10am-2pm

Where: London Street outside Sultan's Table

Other ways to provide feedback

  • By mail, addressed to Public Domain Designer, Ashraf Alattar, Inner West Council, PO Box 14, Petersham 2049.
  • Call a FREE Interpreter or the National Relay Service, Monday to Friday between 9am-4pm and provide our phone number 02 9392 5929.
    • Free Interpreter call TIS National on 131 450
    • Voice relay call 1300 555 727
    • TTY call 133 677
    • SMS relay call 0423 677 767

Last day to provide feedback is Monday, 20 November 2023.