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This consultation has now closed.

Council is reviewing all feedback and will report back on what we heard.

Project details

Council is committed to creating a community where everyone feels safe and well-connected, that's why we are developing a Community Safety Action Plan

Inner West Council has a long-standing commitment to community safety, working in partnership with a range of stakeholders including government and non-government agencies, Police, businesses and residents.

A Community Safety Action Plan will be a significant resource to continue our commitment and support the fostering of safe, vibrant, and welcoming places in the Inner West Local Government area.

We are seeking your feedback on what safety means to you and how safe you feel in the Inner West.

A community safety plan is Council's commitment to making the Inner West safe for everyone. It is a plan that sets out priorities and actions to improve safety and community wellbeing.

Community safety is about fostering communities where all individuals live without fear and can positively engage with their community.

A safe community is a place where people can go about daily life free from fear for their own safety, or the safety of others.

Community safety is more than just the level of crime; it is also about how safe people feel in their community, a feeling that can be influenced by many factors. To create a safer environment for people to work, live and play in, all members of the community must work together.

While there are many complex factors that influence crime and safety in an area, many that our outside Council control, Council does play a role in creating a safer community.

Local Government involvement in community safety and crime prevention initiatives is often in partnership with police and other government and non-government organisations. These include:

  • Domestic violence prevention
  • Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)
  • Graffiti management
  • Lighting and wayfinding
  • Terrorism and crowded places management
  • Responding to homelessness
  • Creating welcoming and accessible public spaces

Have your say

Online survey

Online map

Let us know where in the Inner West you feel safe or unsafe and why.

To use the map:

  1. Select add marker
  2. Select safe or unsafe
  3. Click on the specific location and provide your comments

In person pop ups

Come meet Council staff, ask any questions and have your say in person at the following locations:

In writing

  • Email

  • Mail

    To Inner West Council, PO BOX 14, Petersham, NSW, 2049 (Att: Adele Pittaway)

Paper survey

  • Prefer to fill out a hard copy survey?

    Contact Adele on 02 9392 5833 and we will organise one to be sent to you.

Other ways

We are committed to making sure everyone can provide feedback and access information.

Other ways to provide feedback:

  • Call a FREE Interpreter or the National Relay Service, Monday to Friday between 9am-4pm and provide our phone number 02 9392 5833
    • Free Interpreter call TIS National on 131 450
    • Voice relay call 1300 555 727
    • TTY call 133 677
    • SMS relay call 0423 677 767

The last day to provide feedback is Monday 1 July 2024.

What happens next?

  • Feedback reviewed

    All feedback will be reviewed and consolidated into an Engagement Outcomes Report.

  • Plan is created and actioned

    The feedback received will help inform the Community Safety Plan.

Any questions?


Contact Information
Name Adele Pittaway
Phone 02 9392 5833

We acknowledge that this land area traditionally belonged to the Gadigal and Wangal peoples of the Eora nation.

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