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Applications are closed

Currently we are not recruiting for our Local Democracy Groups.

Local Democracy Groups are an important part of Council’s Community Engagement Strategy. They provide a platform for community members to contribute to building a stronger local community. They're also a purposeful forum to deliberate and problem solve.

They contribute to achieving community expectations as set out in the the Inner West Community Strategic Plan - Our Inner West 2036:

Strategic Direction 5, Outcome 5.3 - people are well informed and actively engaged in local decision making and problem solving

The key purpose of all advisory committees and working groups is to support Council to review and implement the Community Strategic Plan through Council’s four-year Delivery Program and annual Operational Plan.

Registered members of Your Say Inner West (YSIW) will be notified when we are recruiting.

To register to YSIW, select 'Login/Join' at the top right of the web page.

You will be emailed on projects that interest you including Local Democracy Recruitments.

Meetings are held three to five times per year. Meetings are held in the evenings for a duration of around 2 hours. Time outside of meetings may be required for reading, preparing and contributing to work that has been allocated to the group by Council.

Community members will chair the Local Democracy Groups,

Councillors are welcomed members and are encouraged to attend meetings of advisory committees and working groups. Because Councillors are final decision-makers on the elected Council, they are not eligible to propose motions or vote on recommendations at advisory committee or working group meetings, however their knowledge, opinion and input are always welcome.

One or more Council staff members are appointed as convenors of the advisory committee. The convenor will develop the agenda in consultation with members, attend meetings, advise members about Council policy where relevant and take notes of recommendations resulting from agenda items.

A term of reference is a document that defines the purpose and rules of a group that have a shared goal.

We acknowledge that this land area traditionally belonged to the Gadigal and Wangal peoples of the Eora nation.

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