Project updates

The following proposal was supported by the Local Traffic Committee.

  1. A ‘No Right Turn; 6am-10am, 3pm-7pm Mon-Fri’ restriction be installed at the intersection of Kensington Road and Liverpool Road, Summer prohibiting right turn movements during clearway times from Kensington Road into Liverpool Road .
  2. A Traffic Management Plan be issued to Transport for NSW seeking approval for the above part-time ‘No Right Turn’ ban.

A report will be considered by the Local Traffic Committee on 19 June 2023.

View the report

How can I attend the meeting?

Persons making submissions who are still concerned on the proposal are welcome and invited to attend the meeting to address the committee on their concerns.

If wishing to do so please register by calling Ms Christi Li, Business Administration Officer-Infrastructure Services on 93925788 no later than by 3.30pm on Friday 16 June 2023.

The meeting will be held at location and times as follows:

Location: Meeting Rooms 1 and 2, Level 6 Ashfield Service Centre,260 Liverpool Road, Ashfield.

Date: Monday 19 June 2023

Time: 11.00am

Enquire at the front counter to be directed to the meeting room. Please sit outside the foyer till asked to come in.

If you require any further information, please contact Mr Boris Muha-Engineer Traffic Services on 9392 5989.

Project details

Concerns have been raised regard to traffic congestion and safety at the intersection of Kensington and Liverpool Roads, Summer Hill during morning and afternoon peak times.

Council is proposing to limit traffic movement in Kensington Road by imposing a ‘No Right Turn’ from 6-10am, 3-7pm, Mon-Fri from Kensington Road into Liverpool Road.

This restriction will improve the safety and congestion at this intersection. Vehicles will be able to use Sloane Street to access Parramatta Road. Alternatively, vehicles will be able to turn right into Liverpool Road from Gower Street under traffic lights control.

What is being proposed?

Have your say

This consultation is closed thanks to all who provided feedback.

What happens next?

A report including feedback from the community, will be considered by Council’s Local Traffic Committee. Council will then consider the Traffic Committee’s recommendations and make a decision. All those who provide feedback will be notified when the report will be discussed at the Local Traffic Committee meeting.