Project updates

Project details

Council is proposing to improve the streetscape and pedestrian safety in John Street, Tempe. Angle parking on the northern side of the street would also be formalised through this proposal.

The proposed work includes:

  • constructing landscaped kerb extensions on both sides of the street at the Lymerston Street intersection to reduce the crossing distance for pedestrians;
  • resurfacing the road;
  • planting eight new trees in the road and footpath, improving conditions for three existing trees in the road and removing three ailing trees;
  • constructing landscaped islands around existing in-road trees and new in-road trees;
  • formalising 90 degree angle parking by providing line markings, landscaped kerb blisters and signage; and
  • upgrading and re-grading the gutter in the cul-de-sac to improve street drainage.
Parking changes

Many residents currently angle park their cars on the northern side of John Street. This would be formalised through the proposal resulting in an increased number of on-street parking spaces. One on-street parking space will be removed on the south side of John Street to accommodate a new in-road street tree with landscaped island.

Have your say

Give us your feedback on this proposal using the form below. The last day to provide feedback is

Friday 11 November 2016.

What happens next?

Council has not yet made any commitment to change the traffic arrangements in your street. All comments will be included in a report to the Local Traffic Committee on 1 December 2016. The Committee will make recommendations for Council to consider at its meeting in February 2017.

Council will notify everyone who provided comments of the final decision.

When is the work planned for?

The works are planned for this financial year, depending on the outcome of the engagement process, final approvals and funding allocations. Residents will be notified of a commencement dates for any proposed works.