Project updates

Local Traffic Committee will consider a report on Monday 9 December 2024.

Read the Local Traffic Committee report

How can I attend the meeting?

If you wish to attend the meeting register by calling Christy Li, on 02 93925788 or no later than by 3.30pm on Friday 6 December 2024.

Meeting details

Location: Meeting Rooms 1 and 2, Level 6 Ashfield Service Centre, 260 Liverpool Road, Ashfield.

  • Date: Monday 9 December 2024
  • Time: 11.00am

Ask at the Customer Service Desk about the directions to the meeting room.

Consultation outcomes

At the conclusion of the community engagement period, a total of 40 submissions were received. Out of these, 33 were from properties within the consultation area, and 13 were from properties directly impacted from the proposal in Jaggers Lane. There were 7 submissions received that was from outside of the consultation area with two (2) in support of Option 1, no support for Option 2, and five (5) in support of Option 3. Of the 13 properties directly impacted by the road closure, all properties have provided a submission.

The results of the survey are tabled below:


Submissions from properties within the consultation area

Submissions from properties directly impacted

Option 1: A full road closure of Jaggers Lane to all traffic

22 (66.7%)

8 (61.5%)

Option 2: A mid-block road closure of Jaggers Lane

4 (12.1%)

2 (15.4%)

Option 3: No changes to the existing traffic arrangements in Jaggers Lane

7 (21.2%)

3 (23.1%)


33 (100.0%)

13 (100%)

Having considered the concerns regarding vehicle access in Jaggers Lane and noting the outcomes of Council’s Community Engagement, it is recommended to proceed with the proposed closure of Jaggers Lane by installing bollards at both ends of the laneway (Option 1).

Project details

In late 2023 Council consulted residents on the proposed permanent closure of Jaggers Lane, Balmain. Out of 31 submissions received, 23 were in support, with 8 opposing the proposal, indicating a 74.2% support rate. Council subsequently deferred consideration of the Jaggers Lane closure noting that there was an ongoing matter in the Land and Environment Court which may have impacted the Road Closure.

View previous consultation for the proposed closure of Jaggers Lane, Balmain.

Please note that the previous community consultation results will not be counted in this survey. As such residents are encouraged to participate in this new consultation.

What is happening now?

As a result of the recent Land and Environment Court proceedings relating to the property at No.4 Caroline Street, Balmain, Council is now proposing two options for the permanent road closure of Jaggers Lane:

  • Full road closure of Jaggers Lane between Duncan and Caroline Streets to all traffic as proposed in the previous consultation
  • Mid-block road closure of Jaggers Lane which proposes a bollard near the rear of No.41 Waterview Street, allowing for vehicular access for No.4 Caroline Street which includes road widening undertaken by landowner.

and the third option is no change.

Option one and two are shown below. Click on the right arrow to view option 2.

Proposed options for Jaggers Lane

How to have your say?

You can provide feedback by:

  • Completing the form below
  • Emailing to
  • Posting to Inner West Council, Po Box 14, Petersham NSW 2029, c/o Amir Falamarzi
  • Calling us on 02 9392 5627

Other ways to provide feedback:

  • Call a FREE Interpreter or the National Relay Service, Monday to Friday between 9am-4pm and provide our phone number 02 9392 5627
    • Free Interpreter call TIS National on 131 450
    • Voice relay call 1300 555 727
    • TTY call 133 677
    • SMS relay call 0423 677 767

Last day to provide feedback is 1 December 2024.

What happens next?

A report, including feedback from the community, will be considered by Council’s Local Traffic Committee. The Committee’s recommendations will then be considered by Council where a final decision will be made. Everyone who provides feedback will be notified when the report is considered by the Local Traffic Committee.