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Inner West Council have recently undertaken initial consultation on a number of proposed heritage changes. The feedback is being reviewed and will help guide the development of a draft Planning Proposal.

The Inner West has a rich cultural heritage of historical places including buildings, streetscapes, Aboriginal sites, trees, parks and archaeology. These heritage features contribute to the Inner West’s distinctive character.

We engaged heritage specialists to carry out an independent review of residential heritage in the Inner West and provide recommendations on potential changes to heritage items and conservation areas.

The residential review is part of the broader Inner West Heritage Program, which is exploring different heritage themes across the Inner West, including Heritage Pubs.

What's changing?

The review recommended specific changes to heritage conservation areas in the Inner West:

  • Nine new heritage conservation areas
  • Three extended heritage conservation areas
  • Minor reduction of three heritage conservation areas
  • Delisting of four heritage items
  • Amendment to the statement of significance of two heritage items

Heritage Conservation Areas (HCAs) are streetscapes, suburbs, areas and precincts that are recognised by a community for their distinctive historical character.

HCAs often provide evidence of a particular historical development period and/or a distinct architectural style. They have a high proportion of original historic buildings.

HCAs are protected because they demonstrate a distinctive identity and a particular sense of place and character that is valued by the community.

The significance of an HCA is often a function of: underlying landform, subdivision layout, street pattern, and/or building styles (for example, historical associations, materials, form and scale).

Heritage Items are places, buildings, works, relics, moveable objects and precincts (both public and private) that are recognised to have one or more significant heritage values. They are important places or objects from the past which should be conserved so they can be accessed, appreciated and enjoyed by future generations.

Like HCAs, Heritage Items often provide physical evidence of a particular historical period or style that is of importance.

Being in an HCA does change how you apply for some development. Below are a few typical examples:

Installing solar panels?

In most circumstances, solar panels are Exempt Development (not requiring planning or building approval) if they are not visible from the street.

Installing glass bi-fold doors to the rear, building a deck or demolishing a shed or pool?

This may be Complying Development. In this case a private certifier can approve the application based on the State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008.

Demolition, building a secondary dwelling, adding a second storey or an addition, or changing the front sash windows?

In this instance a development application is required. Council will assess this application using the Inner West Local Environmental Plan 2022 and Development Control Plans. Demolition of properties will only be supported in limited circumstances and having regard to the wider context of the HCA.

Minor works, such as painting the exterior, and general maintenance

For some works, of a minor nature or for the maintenance of the property, you may qualify for an exemption and need not obtain consent. This is known as a Heritage Exemption. This may include changes to increase accessibility or external painting. You can find out more here.

If you are currently considering changes on your property or have any development questions please contact our Duty Planner on 02 9392 5000 Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm.

Have your say

What happens next?

  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Initial engagement

    Consultation closed Sunday 13 August

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Under review

    Feedback received will be reviewed against the Inner West Residential Heritage Study

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Planning Proposal prepared

    We will prepare a draft Planning Proposal to amend the Inner West Local Environmental Plan 2022

  • Timeline item 4 - active

    Inner West Local Planning Panel (LPP)

    The LPP will review the draft Planning Proposal on Thursday 14 September and give advice on whether it should be submitted to the Department of Planning & Environment (DPE). Please visit LPP 14 September to view the Agenda and papers. You can register to speak here.

  • Timeline item 5 - incomplete

    Planning Proposal considered by Council

    Your elected representatives will decide whether to submit the Planning Proposal to DPE. Find out about registering to speak at Council meetings.

  • Timeline item 6 - incomplete

    Gateway assessment by DPE

    DPE will issue a Gateway Determination allowing the proposal to proceed to formal public exhibition

  • Timeline item 7 - incomplete

    Public exhibition

    We will exhibit the Planning Proposal for review. At this time, it becomes a statutory consideration during any development application

  • Timeline item 8 - incomplete

    Final decision by Council

    Council will consider all submissions and decide if the Planning Proposal will be adopted

We acknowledge that this land area traditionally belonged to the Gadigal and Wangal peoples of the Eora nation.

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9392 5000

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