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Projects updates

Project details

Jack Shanahan Reserve is a large park in Hercules Street, Dulwich Hill with various recreational facilities and open parkland.

Council is proposing to upgrade the lighting and make some small improvements to the park.

Council would like to light the skate park to improve safety and usage.

The lighting will be:

  • From dusk to 11pm
  • In-line with Australian standards
  • On a photoelectric cell (PE cell), at 100 lux level and be applied evenly to the skate surfaces.
  • Directed so that the light spill stops at the skate facility edge

We also would like to make some small improvements to be completed in mid-2023.

These could include:

  • Repairing skate bowl minor cracks
  • Repairing chain mesh fencing
  • Pressure cleaning footpaths
  • Additional tree planting for shade cooling and greening
  • Re-painting of walls furniture and poles
  • Tree pruning for safety
  • Additional seating

Have you got any other ideas?

Please note the following are out of scope at this time:

  • Any additional skating elements
  • Adding further fencing
  • Upgrades to tennis court
  • Planting which would restrict safety sightlines
  • Work to be completed as part of the GreenWay project

How can you have your say?

  • Come to an on-site meeting

    Join your local ward Councillors at an on-site community session, share your thoughts, experiences and ask any questions.

    Date: Saturday 13 May 2023

    Time: 9.30am to 11.30am

    Address: Jack Shanahan Resereve, Hercules Street, Dulwich Hill

    Bookings are not required.

  • Complete an online survey

    We invite you to have your say on

    • skate park lighting
    • possible improvements

    This survey is now closed. Thank you to all who provided feedback.

Contact Us

For any questions or comments please contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Holly Cowdery
Phone 02 9392 5743

We acknowledge that this land area traditionally belonged to the Gadigal and Wangal peoples of the Eora nation.

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