Project updates

Project details

The planning proposal to amend the current planning controls for land within the area known as the Victoria Road Precinct was on public exhibition from September to November 2016.

Key features of the planning proposal

  • to rezone land from 'IN1 General Industrial' to medium and high density residential zones, mixed use zones and business zones
  • to create approximately 1,100 apartment dwellings and a variety of business uses including creative industries
  • to increase the maximum height of buildings (building heights range from 3 to 14 storeys)
  • to increase maximum floor space ratios for the precinct ranging from 1:1 to 3.5:1
  • to provide acoustic design specifications to mitigate aircraft noise (all dwellings proposed are within the 25-30 Australian Noise Exposure Forecast (ANEF) aircraft noise contour)
  • to provide 3 per cent of residential floor space for use as affordable housing by amending the Marrickville Local Environmental Plan.

Also on exhibition at the same time

A draft Development Control Plan (DCP) with detailed controls for the built form, internal laneways and new areas of open space for the Victoria Road Precinct is exhibited with the planning proposal. If put in place, the DCP would guide the future development of the area over a 15-20 year period.

Where is the Victoria Road precinct?

The Victoria Road Precinct lies within Precinct 47 under Marrickville Council’s Development Control Plan 2011.

Precinct 47 is an irregular shape and generally bounded by:
• Addison Road;
• Fitzroy Street;
• Sydenham Road; and,
• Shepherd and Farr Streets.

Background (read more detail in the timeline)

This plan began with Danias Holdings (the proponent) and other landowners making initial representations to Marrickville Council in the lead-up to the making of the Marrickville Local Environmental Plan (MLEP) 2011.

A preliminary planning proposal was considered by Council in September 2014, but was later withdrawn.

In August 2015, the proponent submitted a Revised Victoria Road Planning Proposal and in November 2015, Council resolved to support it and sent it to the Department of Planning & Environment (DP&E) for Gateway determination.

In March 2016 Gateway approval was granted by DP&E, but included a number of conditions requiring the proponent to make changes and undertake further studies.

Those changes and studies have now been completed and in September 2016 the DP&E approved the proposal for this public exhibition.

Please note submissions on this proposal are not confidential

A summary of the submissions will be included in the final Council report and names and addresses will not be included. However anyone can apply to view and copy all submission details including names and addresses under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. The address of a person making a submission can only be kept confidential if that person satisfies Council's General Manager (through a statutory declaration), that the safety of that person or their family would otherwise be at risk.

What happens next?

See the timeline for the next steps and keep up to date on this project page.