
What we heard about the draft Plan of Management for Hammond Park

7 September 2023

Between 8 June and Monday 24 July we sought your feedback on the draft Plan of Management and Master Plan for Hammond Park.

Key points on the engagement include:

  • The Your Say Inner West (YSIW) project page was viewed 778 times
  • Documents were downloaded 130 times
  • The public exhibition was promoted through emails to key stakeholders, emails to YSIW registered members, on social media, posters and letters to nearby residents
  • 38 people completed the online survey and 60 people attended an in-person engagement session

Based off the feedback we received the draft Plan of Management and Master plan was finalised with the following amendments:

  1. Synthetic turf to be a permanent crick pitch at the centre of the sportsfield
  2. Removed the proposed half basketball court
  3. Removed Monday as sports club training day
  4. Tennis court lighting to be turned off no later than 9.30pm everyday
  5. Retain existing amenities building and proposed canteen to be a lightweight structure extended from the east facade of the building

Council meeting for adoption

At it's meeting on Tuesday 12 September Council will consider the draft Plan of Management and Master Plan for adoption.

If you wish to speak at the Council meeting, you will need to complete an online form below by 2pm on Tuesday 12 September.