Project updates

At its meeting on 11 April 2023, Council adopted the Fraud and Corruption Control Policy and resolved to place the Policy on public exhibition.

Results from the public exhibition will be reported back to Council and the policies will be amended if required.

What is this policy about?

The policy sets out how Council will prevent, detect, and respond to fraudulent and corrupt conduct within Council.

Other ways to provide feedback

  • By mail, addressed to Senior Manager Governance and Risk, Inner West Council, PO Box 14, Petersham 2049.
  • Call a FREE Interpreter or the National Relay Service, Monday to Friday between 9am-4pm and provide our phone number 02 9392 5790.
  • To request a paper copy of the Fraud and Corruption Policy, please call Justin Lucas on 02 9392 5790 or Beau-Jane De Costa on 02 9392 5589.

What happens next?

The feedback received will be collated and included in a report to Council. The report will be considered by Council at its meeting on 20 June 2023.

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about this policy, contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Justin Lucas
Phone 02 9392 5790
Contact Information
Name Beau-Jane De Costa
Phone 02 9392 5589