
Storm water drainage upgrades in Ferris Street

21 September 2021

Council is progressing plans for drainage improvements in Ferris Street, Annandale to replace ageing storm water infrastructure.

The proposed works include:

  • Replacing existing ‘head-on’ pits with new storm water inlet pits
  • Replacing existing storm water pipes with an upgraded storm water pipe system to better manage storm water flows
  • Replacing sections of existing footpath with new concrete footpath
  • Reconstructing some driveways affected by the works (where shown on plans)
  • Resurfacing and adjusting road pavement levels adjacent of work
  • Providing some new green verges
  • Constructing some new kerb and guttering (where shown on plans)

Should you wish to provide any comments, please send the response by one of the following methods:

  • Email:
  • Mail: Inner West Council, PO Box 14, Petersham NSW 2049
  • In person: submit your written comments to the Customer Service team at the Leichhardt Service Centre, or any of the other service centres listed on the bottom of this letter

To make sure your comments are received by the correct officer, mark with Council’s reference 'Sanjoy Chakraborty'.

The last day to comment is Friday 8th October 2021.