
Find out what we heard about the draft Plan of Management and Master Plan

11 September 2023

Between 8 June and Monday 24 July 2023, we sought your feedback on the draft Plan of Management and Master Plan for Hammond Park.

Key points on the engagement include:

  • The Your Say Inner West (YSIW) project page was viewed 523 times
  • Documents were downloaded 125 times
  • The public exhibition was promoted through emails to YSIW registered members, on social media, posters and letters to nearby residents
  • 13 people completed the online survey and 29 people attended an in-person engagement session
  • 11 people provided feedback in a different way (phone, email or letter).

Based off the feedback we received, the draft Plan of Management and Master plan was amended with the following changes:

  1. Remove item 18: additional picnic shelters at Fitzroy Avenue Reserve and the proposed new path to the shelters.
  2. Add an additional note in the Master Plan under item 20. Understorey planting along Fitzroy Avenue will be species no taller than 1m at mature, low maintenance and provide gaps/access from the car park to the picnic area.
  3. Add the history of John Booth and the memorial trees in the Plan of Managemnet.

What happens next?

The final draft Elkington Park and Fitzroy Avenue Reserve Plan of Management and Master Plan is scheduled to go to Council to consider for adoption at its meeting in October. Everyone who participated in the engagement will be notified of the meeting details and informed about how they can attend or apply to speak if they wish.

Read the full report