Project updates
The following proposal was supported by the Local Traffic Committee:
The proposed conversion of parallel parking to 90 degree angle parking in Edith Street, Leichhardt (south of Marion Street) not implemented at this stage due to lack of community support.
A report will be considered by the Local Traffic Committee on 5 December 2023.
How can I attend the meeting?
Persons making submissions who are still concerned on the proposal are welcome and invited to attend the meeting to address the committee on their concerns.
If wishing to do so please register by calling Ms Christi Li, Business Administration Officer-Infrastructure Services on 93925788 no later than by 3.30pm on Friday 16 June 2023.
The meeting will be held at location and times as follows:
Location: Meeting Rooms 1 and 2, Level 6 Ashfield Service Centre,260 Liverpool Road, Ashfield.
Date: Monday 5 December 2022
Time: 11.00am
Enquire at the front counter to be directed to the meeting room. Please sit outside the foyer till asked to come in.
If you require any further information, please contact Felicia Lau Engineer Traffic Services on 9392 5238.
Project details
In March 2022, the 'Leichhardt West Precinct Parking Study' was adopted by Council. One of the strategies identified from the study was to investigate and implement an angle parking proposal for Edith Street, south of Marion Street, Leichhardt. Recent investigation indicated that the roadway is wide enough to support 90o angle parking on one side of the street.
Therefore, it is proposed to convert a section of existing parallel parking by signposting and line markings driveways on the western side of Edith Street, between property No. 4 and 34 to '90o angle parking, rear to kerb, vehicles under 6m only'.
The proposal is expected to result in 25 additional standard vehicle parking spaces. Existing parking restrictions such as timed-restricted permit excepted parking and No stopping zones will remain in place.
The proposal
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You need to sign up to create an account to provide feedback on local traffic projects. Once have signed up, you can login to provide feedback and will receive project updates via email.
This helps us to understand who we are hearing from. For some projects, we are required to demonstrate that at least 50% of residents who are impacted and directly notified have responded. This information is de-identified and used by staff when reviewing your responses, as well as the Local Traffic Committee and Transport for NSW when considering recommendations.
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We're committed to making sure everyone can provide feedback in the format that's right for them. You can still provide feedback via phone, post or email if you wish. However, each individual will only be counted once.
Have your say
Other ways to provide feedback
You can provide feedback:
- By post: Inner West Council, PO Box 14, Petersham, 2049 addressed to Felicia Lau
- If you would like to provide feedback over the phone, please contact me on (02) 9392 5739.
Final day for comments is Friday, 30 September 2022.
What happens next?
A report outlining feedback from the community will be considered by Council’s Local Traffic Committee. The Committee’s recommendations will then be considered by Council where a final decision will be made.