Project updates

Project details

Council has endorsed the public exhibition of the draft Sponsorship policy.

About the policy

The policy outlines the principles, guidelines, processes and issues relating to sponsorship.

It is divided into five sections:

  • Definition of sponsorship
  • Sponsorship principles - both for seeking sponsorship and for provision of sponsorship
  • Appropriate external sponsorship arrangements
  • Restrictions
  • Approvals for sponsorship

Have your say

You are invited to provide feedback on the draft Sponsorship policy.

  • Online, using the submission form below
  • By mail, addressed to Inner West Council, PO Box 14, Petersham 2049. Please mark your submission 18/6411 draft Sponsorship policy - Public Exhibition

Last day to provide feedback is Thursday, 27 September 2018.

What happens next?

The feedback received will be incorporated into the final policy which will be considered by Council for adoption at a meeting. All those who provided feedback will be advised when the policy will be considered by Council.