At its meeting on 11 March 2025 Council endorsed the draft Compliance and Enforcement Policy for public exhibition.

What is this policy about?

Council regularly reviews policies to ensure they are up to date and reflect current structures, practices and strategic direction. Council is responsible for unlawful activity compliance and enforcement under various legislations with delegated/ authorised officers responsible for the investigation of such matters.

What are the changes?

Revised Compliance and Enforcement Policy

The purpose of this Policy is to support Council’s regulatory functions to enable Council:

to act promptly, effectively, and consistently in response to the allegations of unlawful activity or when undertaking proactive investigation of unlawful activity;

to ensure those functions are exercised proportionally, without bias, and in accordance with legislation;

to improve complaint management and reduce the impact of unlawful activity on the community and the environment; and

to incorporate mediation and expert input in accordance with the principles of Council’s Good Neighbour Policy.

This Policy will not limit Council’s authorised officers in their use of discretion and exercise of official functions. The full circumstances and facts of each case will need to be considered, and a decision made on the merits of the situation.

This Policy applies to the management and investigation of unlawful activity, as defined in this Policy, and any enforcement action required in relation to unlawful activity within the Inner West local government area for which Council is the appropriate regulatory authority. The unlawful activity may relate to development and building control, fire safety, trees, pollution, food safety, public health and safety, abandoned articles, companion animals, swimming pools and any other matters within Council’s regulatory functions.

This Policy details the matters to be considered at the various stages of the enforcement process from the receipt of reports alleging unlawful activity and their investigation, through to choosing appropriate enforcement actions – including where applicable, representations in response to decisions made by Council during the enforcement process. It also explains the role and/or responsibilities of internal and external stakeholders.

Have your say

You can provide feedback by:

  • Completing the form below
  • Emailing to
  • Posting to c/o Michael Ryan, Inner West Council, Po Box 14, Petersham NSW 2049
  • Calling us on 02 9392 5597

Other ways to provide feedback:

  • Call a FREE Interpreter or the National Relay Service, Monday to Friday between 9am-4pm and provide our phone number 02 9392 5597
    • Free Interpreter call TIS National on 131 450
    • Voice relay call 1300 555 727
    • TTY call 133 677
    • SMS relay call 0423 677 767

Last day to provide feedback is 17 April 2025.

Complete form

To complete the survey please join to create an account, or login to an existing account. Please note - Your Say Inner West accounts have separate login details from other Inner West Council online accounts.

What happens next?

Following the public exhibition period a report including your feedback will be brought back to Council for consideration to adopt. All those who provided feedback will be advised when the report will be considered by Council.