
Disability Inclusion Action Plan - Approved by Council

23 October 2023

At its meeting on 10 October 2023 Council considered a report including community feedback and decided the following:

  1. That Council approve the Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2023-2025.
  2. That progress on the Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2023-2025 be regularly reported to the Access Advisory Committee and ongoing consultation and engagement be undertaken with the Access Advisory Committee on projects and programs contained in the DIAP 2023-2025.
  3. Amend the measure for Action 1.2 to read “People with a range of disability and needs participate in emergency management planning”.
  4. Amend the measure for Action 4.9 to accurately reflect that “An inclusive playground is created in King George Park by August 2024”.
  5. That from December 2023, Council officers report bi-monthly on the progress of work to increase direct employment of people with disability (Action 3.2) and other economic inclusion actions.