Keep up to date with this project
The NSW Government formed Inner West Council in 2016 by bringing together Ashfield, Leichhardt and Marrickville Councils. In December 2021, a non-binding poll was conducted in which the Inner West community voted to de-amalgamate the existing Council and return to the three former Councils. The result was carried with 62.5 per cent in favour, in a poll with 80.7 per cent turnout.
Now, Inner West Council is preparing a de-amalgamation business case for the NSW Minister for Local Government, who is responsible for the final decision and your views will be key to Council's next steps in this process.
To inform the proposal, Inner West Council wants to hear your views on which options for service provision under a de-amalgamated model are preferred by the community.
Find out more
Read the de-amalgamation flyer
Read the Draft De-amalgamation Business Case
Alternatively, you can view these documents at Council's service centres at Ashfield, Leichhardt, and Petersham or at Balmain, Haberfield, Marrickville and St Peters libraries.
The survey is hosted by an independent research company Micromex.
Survey closed
Online forum
An online forum to discuss the draft de-amalgamation business case was held on Thursday 21 July, 6.00pm to 7.30pm.