Project updates

Local Traffic Committee will consider a report on Monday 9 December 2024.

Read the Local Traffic Committee report

How can I attend the meeting?

If you wish to attend the meeting register by calling Christy Li, on 02 93925788 or no later than by 3.30pm on Friday 6 December 2024.

Meeting details

Location: Meeting Rooms 1 and 2, Level 6 Ashfield Service Centre, 260 Liverpool Road, Ashfield.

  • Date: Monday 9 December 2024
  • Time: 11.00am

Ask at the Customer Service Desk about the directions to the meeting room.

Consultation outcomes

528 letters were issued to 362 (council rated) properties within the survey area, with the results in response and support rate, both area wide and street by street shown in Attachment 2.

62 (council rated) property responses were received.

8 responses were received from non-residents (PLC staff inclusive).

Read the comments and Council's officer responses here.


The overall response rate for an area wide inclusion of all the streets under the proposed RPS in this report was low around 17%. Submissions received in support over non-support was around 53%, however the level of support overall was relatively low around 9.1%, showing a low level of support (in the surveyed community) for an area wide RPS. An overall RPS in the area could not be supported.

A separate street by street analysis in response and support rate identified that the three of the 14 streets sections had achieved both sufficient response and support rates.

These street sections are namely:

  • Etonville Avenue (west side) between Elizabeth Street and Anthony Street (having 55% response rate and 60% support rate)
  • Croydon Road (west side) between Elizabeth Street and Anthony Street having (33% response rate and 83% support rate)
  • Edwin Street (South) (west side) between Thomas Street and Paisley Road (having 25% response rate and 75% support rate).

These streets will be allocated and form part of an extension to existing RPS AREA 2 and 6.

It should be noted that no further review is proposed to be carried out for at least a period of 24 months for a Residential Parking Scheme in the subject area of Croydon, unless substantial land use changes occur to re-visit a scheme beforehand, under the Inner West Council Public Domain Parking Policy 2020.

It is recommended these restrictions proceed to be implemented to control parking in the area irrespective whether resident parking is implemented or not.

Project details

Council has received requests from residents to review and consider introducing a Resident Parking Scheme (RPS) in various streets around the Ashfield Aquatic Centre, Croydon Station, and the Presbyterian Ladies College (PLC).

Council has conducted a recent parking study which showed high occupancy levels in these streets.

What is being proposed?

An introduction of a Resident Parking Scheme in the sections shown in the enclosed plan and outlined below:

  • Installation of ‘2P 8am-6pm Mon-Fri, Permit Holders Excepted' in the below section.
  • Statutory ‘No Stopping’ restrictions will be applied to corners of intersections where such restrictions do not exist.
  • ‘No Stopping’ with varied lengths are also proposed to corners extending over driveways, next to carpark exits, or around dead-end locations of the street for vehicular sight view and movability.

Croydon RPS proposal

How to view this picture? Click on the double arrow in the right hand corner to enlarge the view. Click on the circle for more details.

Parking permits exempt holders from time limits and parking fees in spaces signposted 'PERMIT HOLDERS EXCEPTED’ or ‘AUTHORISED RESIDENTS VEHICLES EXCEPTED’. The need for parking permits arises directly from the imposition of kerbside parking controls and need to improve the amenity for a particular class of road user(s) who do not have sufficient off-street, or unrestricted on-street, parking facilities available. Permit parking also helps to balance the needs of the local community with those of the broader community in high demand areas. Where vehicles are only permitted to park for a short length of time, permits are often also needed for certain everyday activities, such as visits by friends, tradespeople, carers.

A resident parking permit is issued for a vehicle of an eligible resident provided the property does not have on-site parking available for that vehicle.

No. of off-street parking spaces.

No. of vehicles registered (or used) at property.

No. of resident permits allowed.


2 or more

2 (maximum allocation)





2 or more





2 or more

No resident parking permits issued.

No resident parking permits issued.

In determining whether an on-site parking space exists, Council will have regard to:

a) accessibility by a vehicle

b) the presence of a garage door or roller door

c) the existence of a vehicular kerb ramp/ crossover

d) the presence of a carport, garage structure or hardstand/grassed area

e) evidence of use of the space for parking

f) ability to utilise space for tandem parking of vehicles

g) any approved or registered plans.

h) Whether property or access could reasonably be modified to provide on-site parking.

For suburbs under the Former Ashfield Council Area (Croydon included) units and townhouses approved after 30 June 1997 are developments excluded from the Permit Parking Scheme. Under the overall Inner West Council, the following developments are also excluded from the Permit Parking Scheme:

  • Additional lot created by subdivision, or
  • New dual occupancy, multi-unit residential developments & boarding houses, or
  • New multi-unit commercial developments, or
  • Excluded by condition of development consent; or
  • Alterations and Additions or Change of Use that creates an additional business or residence on the original lot.

Visitor parking permits will be offered per eligible property. Visitor permits will be single use, one-day permits. The annual allocation of visitor permits for eligible households will be up to 30 one-day permits.

Parking permits are not available for boats (on trailers), box trailers, caravans, buses and trucks (i.e. vehicles greater than 3 tonnes GVM).

One side of the street is typically allocated for RPS whilst the other side is retained as unrestricted parking or with other existing restrictions. This is to provide equal opportunity for those people ineligible for permits to park for longer periods of time in the street where unrestricted parking or other restrictions permit to do so.

This applies to all suburbs under the Former Ashfield Council, having current RPS restrictions, and are proposed for RPS (namely Croydon).

Residents eligible to participate in the scheme would need to have a property fronting or having a side boundary to the street or section of street having the proposed resident parking zone.

Under this proposal RPS is not provided to sides adjacent to carparks, parkland/reserve, canals, or non-residential (commercial) properties. The exception to this case is College Street where parking is proposed opposite the residential properties, as ‘No Stopping’ currently exists to the front of the properties. The side of the street selected for RPS is considered where less off-street parking is available to properties or where more parking may be available on-street.

Parking to the front or sides of business properties is generally left unrestricted or timed restricted (excluded of permit holder exemptions) for general and customer parking.

Garages built for the purpose of housing vehicles and used for storage does not serve as a reason to obtaining a permit. Driveways servicing single household dwellings, and which are capable of parking at least 2 vehicles in tandem (i.e. one vehicle in front of the other) are considered providing off-street parking for 2 or more vehicles.

Have your say

You can provide feedback by:

Other ways to provide feedback:

  • Call a FREE Interpreter or the National Relay Service, Monday to Friday between 9am-4pm and provide our phone number 02 93925321
    • Free Interpreter call TIS National on 131 450
    • Voice relay call 1300 555 727
    • TTY call 133 677
    • SMS relay call 0423 677 767

Last day to provide feedback is 18 August 2024.

What happens next?

If supported a report, including feedback from the community, will be considered by Council’s Local Traffic Committee. The Committee’s recommendations will then be considered by Council where a final decision will be made. Everyone who provides feedback will be notified when the report is considered by the Committee.