
Decided by Council

19 March 2021

At its meeting on Tuesday 9 March 2021, Council considered community feedback and officer recommendations and decided to:

1. Adopt the Dulwich Hill Parklands Plan of Management as it relates to Arlington Reserve and Laxton Reserve;

2. Endorse the Plan of Management as it relates to the Crown land section of the Plan, specifically Johnson Park and Hoskins Park and refer this to the Minister for Water, Housing and Property for adoption;

3. Notes the Parklands provide critical habitat for fauna and flora and that close engagement with local environmental groups during the planning of park improvements will assist in delivering sound environmental as well as community outcomes;

4. Amend the Plan of Management to include ‘Investigate options for noise abatement structures or plantings to address noise pollution concerns’ as a ‘High Priority’ action for Arlington Recreation Reserve; and

5. Receive an update on the development of the Arlington Reserve Operational Plan by the May Council Ordinary Meeting (or earlier)

For more information read item 2 in Council report and view the meeting minutes.