
Report to Council - Budget 2024-25

19 June 2024

Consultation summary

During the public exhibition period, there were

  • 72 submissions, 64 through email and eight through Your Say Inner West
  • 1,369 visits to the Your Say Inner West project page
  • 186 views of the budget explainer video

The majority of submissions (60) requested an all-weather pitch at Centenary Park.

The remaining submissions focused on:

  • support for specific initiatives
  • a detailed suggestion for integrating innovative urban planning insights and embracing emerging technologies while ensuring inclusivity and sustainability
  • request for additional cycling and active transport infrastructure including a detailed submission from the Inner West Bicycle Coalition
  • request for a shorter customer service response standard
  • comments on budget allocations for various items, query about cash reserves, Council borrowings, increase in fees and charges
  • structure of one community strategic plan item
  • a detailed submission covering rates, fees and charges, rental income, employee costs, and infrastructure

The submissions with Council officer responses are included in full as an attachment to the report.

Council meeting

On Tuesday 24 June 2024 Council will consider a community consultation report and make a decision whether to adopt the key strategic documents for 2022-2026 (year three).