
Key strategic documents adopted by Council

31 July 2020

At its meeting on July 28 2020, Council considered a post exhibition report and resolved to:

1. Adopt the combined IWC Delivery Program 2018-22, Operational Plan 2020/21 and Budget 2020/21, the IWC Fees and Charges 2020/21, and IWC Long Term Financial Plan 2020-30;

2. Make and levy the Rates and Charges for 2020/21 from August 2020, as contained in the Delivery Program and Operational Plan;

3. Continue to develop a consistent Inner West Council rating structure by July 2021, as required by the NSW Government;

4. Adopt the rates of interest as the interest rate to apply on outstanding rates, in accordance with section 566(3) of the Local Government Act 1993:

  • 1 July to 31 December 2020 - 0.0%; and
  • 1 January to 30 June 2021 - 7.0%.

5. Quarantine the savings from the cancelled Dulwich Hill, Summer Hill and Marrickville Festivals, totalling $138,000, notionally to be used for economic development;

6. Write to Transport for NSW seeking a matching contribution towards this economic development fund in order to support local economies affected by Transport for NSW construction projects. This would include suburbs across the Inner West LGA including Haberfield, Tempe, St Peters, Marrickville, Newtown, Leichhardt and the Balmain peninsula;

7. Pending the agreement of Transport for NSW, consult with the Chambers of Commerce and the Economic Recovery Taskforce on how the combined funds can be used immediately to support local businesses;

8. Write to the relevant state MPs, including the Members for Balmain, Heffron, Newtown, Strathfield and Summer Hill asking for their support, inviting their participation in any subsequent meetings and request they lobby the government to back this proposal; and

9. Notes the supplementary report (Item 20) providing particular advice requested in relation to the budget, and that with respect 'Initiatives' identified by staff to correspond with 'Strategies' 1.1.4 and 2.4.1, that these be included in the adopted budget.

For more information read item five in Council report and view the meeting minutes.