Project updates
Project details
Council has endorsed the public exhibition of the draft Climate and Renewables Strategy.
What is the strategy about?
The draft Climate and Renewables Strategy is our plan to mitigate carbon emissions and resource solutions to address the climate emergency.
The draft strategy outlines what Council will do to reduce emissions from its own operations and community wide. Actions include:
- Embedding climate action in Council systems and processes
- Establishing the Office of Renewable Energy Innovation
- Rapidly increasing solar and renewable energy generation
- Supporting low carbon urban development
- Eliminating organic waste to landfill
- Helping the community address unsustainable consumption
The draft strategy has been developed with the assistance of the community, including local climate and renewables experts and groups. It is informed by a number of background studies.
More Information
Have your say
You are invited to provide feedback on the draft Climate + Renewables Strategy.
- Online, by completing the Climate and Renewables feedback form. If you are an organisation or a business complete feedback form for business.
- By mail, addressed to Community Sustainability, Inner West Council, PO Box 14, Petersham 2049.
Last day to provide feedback is 5 November 2019
What happens next?
The feedback received will be incorporated into the final strategy where possible and considered by Council before it is adopted. All those who provided feedback will be advised when the Strategy will be considered by Council.