Project updates

Project details

Council is proposing to extend the kerbs at the Percival and Albany Road intersections on Clarendon Road. This would make it safer for pedestrians by reducing the crossing distance. The proposal would also improve drainage and green the street with landscaping and new street trees.

The proposed works include:

  • constructing landscaped kerb extensions, sandstone kerbs, concrete gutters and new kerb ramps on both sides of Clarendon Road at these intersections;
  • installing a median island at the Albany Road intersection to improve turning paths for motorists;
  • reconstructing footpaths near the kerb extension areas;
  • planting new trees on the landscaped kerb extensions at Percival and Albany Road;
  • providing GIVE WAY signs, painting new line markings and reinstating line markings; and
  • repairing any damaged existing private stormwater lines leading from your property (between the front boundary and gutter) within the area of work.

Parking changes

There would be no reduction in on-street parking spaces as a result of this proposal. However, at the Albany Road intersection, two parking spaces would be removed in Clarendon Road and two new parking spaces would be created in Albany Road.

Other projects

Council is planning to resurface Clarendon Road between Albany and Percival Roads this financial year, subject to final funding allocations.

Have your say

Give us your feedback on this proposal using the form below. The last day to provide feedback is

Tuesday 20 September 2016.

What happens next?

Council has not yet made any commitment to change the traffic arrangements in your street. All comments will be included in a report to the Local Traffic Committee on 6 October 2016. The Committee will make recommendations for Council to consider at its 25 October 2016 meeting.

Council will notify everyone who provided comments of the final decision.

When is the work planned for?

These works are expected to be built in 2016/17 financial year subject to outcome of this community engagement, final approvals and budget allocation. Residents will be notified before any work starts.