
What we heard

3 August 2023

Caves Lane, Dulwich Hill – Engagement Outcomes Report

Between 3 and 24 July 2023 we sought your feedback on the proposed concept plan aimed at making this laneway more welcoming and to improve connectivity.

Key points on the engagement methods and results:

  • The Your Say Inner West project page was viewed 24 times
  • Three respondents completed the online feedback form
  • All three supported the proposed plan for the laneway

Comment submitted online

1. I am a local business and think this will add value to area and bring more people

2. i (sic) feel that this idea is absolutely amazing definitely go forward with these plans

3. this is do great GO GET IT DONE

In person meetings

Four meetings were held with the businesses directly impacted by the proposed changes related to the bin relocations.

Generally, all businesses had positive feedback about the proposed changes.

Three matters were raised regarding the design and the bin relocations.

  • Reconsider the proposed bin location (adjacent to IGA) this is not large enough space to house all the bins.
  • Request for sheltered awning for the lane
  • Concern about resident access and staircase in the laneway

Next steps

The feedback where relevant will be incorporated into the final design. We will notify you when the design is finalised and when it will be implemented. The expected timeline for the project completion is mid-2024.