Project updates
Project details
Share your thoughts with Council on the Callan Park draft Landscape Structure Plan and a new governance model in Callan Park and other NSW Government managed parks.
Image credit Emma Frater
Callan Park is a dearly loved and well used park by residents and visitors to the Inner West. Located in Rozelle at just over sixty hectares, it is one of the largest open spaces in the centre of Sydney.
Key features of Callan Park include:
- The exceptional heritage landscape buildings of the former Rozelle Hospital located on the site.
- The cultural heritage value of the site in relation to the history of mental health in Australia.
- The waterfront public open spaces, landscaping and gardens.
- Remnants of natural bushland and wildlife habitat – one of the few remaining in the inner west of Sydney.
- Aboriginal middens at Callan Point.
- Ongoing use by State-significant tenants including the NSW headquarters of the NSW Ambulance Service, and several non-government organisations (NGOs).
What is happening?
Draft Landscape Structure Plan
The NSW Government has recently released a draft Landscape Structure Plan (LSP) for Callan Park for comment. The LSP is a high-level concept plan for the revitalisation of Callan Park in ways that celebrate the park's unique heritage and waterfront location. The LSP aligns with the Callan Park Act (Special Provisions) Act 2002 and recommends two strategies for Callan Park:
- Unlock Callan Park’s potential as an accessible, safe, world-class parkland that supports the health and wellbeing of Sydneysiders
- Celebrate and enhance Callan Park’s diverse character areas.
Future governance arrangements
The NSW Government also recently announced a new parks super agency, Greater Sydney Parklands, which will manage NSW Government run parks including Callan Park.
Included in that media realise was the announcement that Callan Park would be allocated $10 million in funding to enhance the connection with the waterfront and Bay Run.
Council is advocating for local representation in future governance structures for example a Callan Park Advisory Committee in line with the Callan Park Act (Special Provisions) Act 2002.
Read the NSW Government media release.
Have your say
Tell us what you think about the Landscape Structure Plan and new governance model:
- Fill out our online feedback form
- Join an online session on Tuesday, 1 September 2020 at 6pm
Please RSVP and we'll email you the link nearer the time.
Last day to provide comments was Wednesday 9 September 2020.
You can also learn more about the plan and provide your feedback directly to NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.
What happens next?
Council will submit community feedback from this page and the online session alongside a formal Council submission to the NSW Government.