
Elected Council makes a decision

23 April 2021

This proposal was discussed at the Council meeting held on Tuesday, 13th April 2020. The following recommendations were approved:

  1. 30 metre ‘No Parking’ zone, extending from the current ‘No Parking’ zone along the western side of Way Street, south of its intersection with Toyer Street
  2. Statutory 10 metre ‘No Stopping’ on western side of Way Street, south of its intersection with Toyer Street
  3. 50 metre ‘No Parking’ zone, along the southern side of Toyer Street, west of its intersection with Way Street
  4. Statutory 10 metre ‘No Stopping’ on the southern side of Toyer Street, east of its intersection with Collins Street
  5. 10 metre ‘No Stopping’ zone on the northern side of Toyer Street, east of its intersection with Collins Street
  6. 8 metre ‘No Stopping’ zone on eastern side of Collins Street, south of its intersection with Toyer Street
  7. 10 metre ‘No Parking 8am – 9.30am 2pm – 3.30pm’ on eastern side of Collins Street, immediately northwest of existing Bus Zone, north of its intersection with Unwins Bridge Road
  8. 69 metre ‘No Stopping’ zone on the northern side of Unwins Bridge Road, between Collins Street and the signalised mid-block pedestrian crossing, replacing existing 50 metre ‘No Parking 7am – 9am Mon – Fri’ & 19 metre ‘No Parking’ restrictions
  9. 25 metre ‘No Stopping’ zone on the northern side of Unwins Bridge Road, between Foreman Street and the signalised mid-block pedestrian crossing, replacing existing ‘No Parking’

Read the Council minutes.