
Report to Council

3 August 2023

Ashfield Park Plan of Management and Master Plan will be considered for adoption by Council at its meeting on Tuesday 8 August 2023.

The Key Master Plan proposals

  • Development of a new interpretation strategy to highlight significant historic aspects of the park.
  • New Park furniture in selected shaded locations.
  • Establishing a biodiversity area to the southern corner of the park.
  • Continue to maintain the practice of cutting the parks’ shrubs into ornamental shapes and keep the name ‘Ashfield Park’.
  • Installation of two table tennis tables with concrete pads, accessible path and spectator seating.
  • Extension of the community garden (by the community garden group).
  • Upgrade of one of the grass bowling greens to a synthetic green
  • Creation of an off-leash dog area in the north-east corner of the park.
  • Upgrade the existing playground.
  • Extend existing BBQ area and include additional natural play elements.