Project updates

Project details

The much-loved Ashfield Aquatic Centre is getting a refurbishment. We want to hear from you to make sure it will meet your needs - now and in the future.


The­ Ashfield ­Aquatic ­Centre ­has ­over­ 350,000­ customers­ a ­year.­­ It ­is ­also ­hosts ­a­ highly­ successful ­swim school which ­has ­an­ average ­of ­15,000 ­visits ­each ­month.

In­ August­ 2014, ­the ­former ­Ashfield ­Council ­undertook­ initial ­community­ consultation­ and­ resolved­ to fund­ a $14­million partial ­upgrade­ of ­the ­Centre­ through ­a ­special­ rate ­variation.

In­ May ­2016 ­Inner ­West ­Council ­was ­formed­ through­ the ­amalgamation ­of ­Ashfield, ­Leichhardt­ and Marrickville ­Councils. ­Inner­ West Council­ sought ­tenders­ for­ the ­refurbishment ­in ­late ­2016 ­but ­only received ­a­ single­ tender­ which was­ $6m ­over­ the­ estimated­ $20m ­cost ­of ­the­ project.

What's happening now?

Inner ­West ­Council ­remains ­committed ­to ­the ­project ­and ­is ­reviewing­ the ­planning, ­logistics ­and­ budget ­to ensure­ that ­a ­first class ­facility ­can ­be ­delivered­ with ­the ­available­ funding.­ Council ­has ­developed­ three­ concept ­plans ­for ­the­ Centre on which you are invited to give us feedback.

Have your say

View­ the ­three ­concept ­plans in the flyer.

Then ­complete ­the ­survey ­to ­tell ­us which features­ and­ services­ are important­ to you.

Feedback closes on 5 June 2017

User Groups and Clubs

One formal response is invited from User Groups or Clubs. Only one response from each User Group or Club please. People who are members of User Groups or Clubs should complete the survey for individuals in the link above.

What happens next?

Following analysis of community feedback, the ­plan ­will ­be ­finalised­ ­mid-2017. The final plan will be posted ­on this project page, and available to view at Ashfield Aquatic Centre. Construction ­will­ commence­ in­ April ­2018 ­and­ the ­refurbished ­Centre ­will­ reopen­ in­ time­ for­ summer­ 2019/20.


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