Project updates
Project details
Inner West Council is acquiring land, via dedication, at Lot 3 of SP98376, Lot 4 of SP98376, Lot 5 of SP98376 and Lot 10 of SP98376 (Units 103,104,105 and 110 at 2 Malthouse Way, Summer Hill), for affordable housing. Pursuant to section 31 of the Local Government Act 1993, the Council intends to classify the land as “operational land” for the purpose of the Act. The proposed Council resolution to implement this intention is:
“Council resolves to classify land at Units 103, 104, 105 and 110 at 2 Malthouse Way, Summer Hill as operational land for the purpose of the Local Government Act 1993”.
Have your say
You can make a submission about the classification by completing the submission form.
The last day to make a submission is Saturday 3 April 2019.
What happens next?
Council will consider a report, including the community's feedback, at a meeting on 30 April 2018.