
Report to Council

3 August 2023

Pratten Park Plan of Management and Master Plan will be considered for adoption by Council at its meeting on Tuesday 8 August 2023.

Key Master Plan proposals

  • Gateway access improvements to Hugh Street and formalisation and surfacing of the car park area.
  • Upgrades to the play area and picnic areas.
  • Upgrades and new seating for the grandstand.
  • Upgrades to park lighting and park furniture throughout the park, including bench seating.
  • Investigate options for a future café in the current canteen facility.
  • Investigate opportunities for constructing a second story to the existing bowling club facility -facing towards the park.
  • Creation of an informal recreation space for teenagers for basketball, netball, handball and fitness training /exercise equipment area.
  • Provision of lighting for the tennis courts so that their recreational value can be enhanced, and evening use, up to 10pm at night can be permitted.
  • Increased tree planting throughout the park.
  • Installation of a running and walking/track around the full permitter of the oval.
  • Demolish the existing male and female toilet blocks within the park and consider the construction of a smaller shared and accessible toilet block at the location of the existing female toilet block.