Welcome - FOO Fighters

(Food Organics Only service)

What does a Champion look like?

A Champion in a building with 20 units can divert over 3 tonnes of food scraps from landfill each year.

You can have an impact by applying stickers, welcoming new residents with a 'starter kit' or displaying bags and kits for residents to access as required.

Without Champion With Champion

Small change, big impact

  • What can I do as a Champion?

    1. Welcome new residents with a 'starter kit' and explain how the service works.

    2. Establish an area where residents can easily access bin liners and benchtop bins.

    3. Request bin liners and 'starter kits' through Council as you need them.

    4. Share milestones and achievements published in Council newsletters and social media channels.

    5. Use the Champions page to submit questions, share ideas, and get direct support from Council staff and other residents.

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