
Report to Council

4 May 2023

At its meeting on Tuesday 9 May 2023 Council will consider community feedback on the draft Electric Vehicle Encouragement Strategy.

What we heard about the Electric Vehicle Encouragement Strategy?

The Draft Electric Vehicle Encouragement Strategy (the Strategy) was placed on public exhibition for a period of 8 weeks between 28 September and 23 November 2022. The community was invited to comment on the Strategy online at, by phone, via an email and by post

Key points from public exhibition of the draft Electric Vehicle Encouragement Strategy are outlined below:

  • 123 responses were received to online questions on the Your Say Inner West project page.
  • The Your Say Inner West project page received 2,283 views from 1,414 unique visitors.
  • 81 percent of the online respondents were somewhat, mostly or very satisfied with the draft Strategy.
  • Eight submissions from individuals were sent directly to staff.
  • Eight submissions were received from key stakeholders such as climate action groups, Ausgrid and industry partners.
  • Of the 123 responses received from the Your Say Inner West project page, three individuals and two stakeholders also sent in email submissions.
  • One submission was received from a Local Democracy Group.