Project details

Council has developed an Integration and Innovation Plan - or iPlan - to guide its work during the interim period until Council elections in September 2017. This plan outlines a roadmap for creating an organisation that is modern, efficient and service focussed with the needs of the inner west residents, both now and in the future, at the heart of everything it does.

The plan will be updated and amended as Council works through the integration process. Progress against the iPlan will be regularly measured and reported, including progress against ten key result areas established by the NSW Government for new councils.

The iPlan is separate to Council's Operational Plan which guides the direction and actions Council will pursue in 2016-17.

Have your say

You are invited to comment on the iPlan by completing the feedback form below. The last day to provide feedback is Friday 26 August 2016.

What happens next?

All feedback will be considered by Council at the first review of the iPlan.