Project updates

Project details

Council is proposing to improve pedestrian and motorist safety in Church Street, between Lang Street and Croydon Rd. The proposal is based on recommendations from the formal Ashfield Council's Traffic Management Strategy which was endorsed by Council on 23 August 2016 following a period of community engagement.

The proposed work includes:

  • introducing landscaped kerb blisters on Church Street, west of Birriga Road;
  • constructing landscaped kerb extensions in front of 97 Church Street;
  • installing kerb ramps on both kerb extensions in front of 97 Church Street;
  • introducing bus friendly speed cushions in front of 115 Church Street and 97 Church Street;
  • painting associated line markings

Parking changes

This proposal would result in the loss of two parking spaces:

  • one parking space on the northern side of the road, in front of 97 Church Street, and
  • one parking space on the southern side of the road, in front of the entrance to the playground.

This is where the kerb extensions and pram ramps would be built which will improve safety and visibility for pedestrians crossing the road.

Have your say

Give us your feedback on this proposal using the form below. The last day to provide feedback is Thursday 10 August 2017.

What happens next?

Council has not yet made any commitment to change the traffic arrangements in your street. A report, together with the community’s comments and this proposal, will be considered by Council’s Local Traffic Committee meeting on 7 September 2017. The Committee will make recommendations for Council to consider at its September meeting.

Council will notify everyone who provided comments of the final decision.

When is the work planned for?

These works are expected to be built in the 2017/2018 financial year subject to outcome of this community engagement, final approvals and budget allocation. Residents will be notified before any work starts.